David Horowitz: An ENTP (Trinity Godtype) Profile

David Horowitz:  An ENTP (Trinity Godtype) Profile

David Horowitz most famous Quote  shows the “NT” rational’s virtual view of Time.

“A key of the mentality (present) of the left is that it judges itself by its best intentions (future) and Judges its opponents ‘America” chief among them by their worst deeds (Past).

Likewise A quick search David Horowitz’ prolific writings  clearly shows further evedince for the patterns of the entp, Originator / Inventor.    Like eNtp Malcolm X before him,  many entp’s often start life on the  “Left” and eventually confront the “data” and historical facts of their chosen philosophy’s trail of  destruction.  The ENTP’s most evident superpower that allows them to change their course in the midst of life?

An ability to admit to the world that they were wrong  (External Feeling)!   The key requirement for success for the Inventors among this group.

Likewise the ENTP  Trinity type falls at number #0 zero in both Gotype research as well as the “socionics” research  from Russia.  A fitting placement for what many Personality experts refer to as the “originator”.

“The aim of the movement isn’t really to achieve legislation. It’s supposed to act as a cattle prod, to make legislators and universities aware. The ratio of leftwing professors in Berkeley and Stanford is seven to one and nine to one. You can’t get hired if you’re a conservative in American universities.”

David Horowitz: NT – entp

* The following quotes shows David Horowitz consistent lifelong battle of “Fairness” within the American university system.  The Patterns in his many essays are indicative of a NTP’s cognitive preferences.   Add to this his fearlesness in confronting the “enemy” and his penchant for historical research and lifelong quest to simply set up the “framework” for winning back our schools.

David Horowitz quotes dealing with fairness:

“When schools produce students who learned to think on the left or on the right, they’re not thinking for themselves.

“The issue here isn’t whether every student is brainwashed, it’s whether it is appropriate.”

“A year’s suspension would have been merciful.”

“Now it is virtually impossible for a vocal conservative to be hired for a tenure-track position on a faculty anywhere, or to receive tenure if so hired. The conservative faculty members I encounter who have achieved this feat, invariably tell me that they were forced to keep their political orientation to themselves until they achieved tenure.”

“Not all of the professors depicted in this volume hold views as extreme as Ward Churchill’s, but a disturbing number do.”

“I have no problem with professors being left-wing. The problem is if they bring political agendas to the classroom. Advocacy is a form of preaching — not teaching.”

“You can’t read a story about me in a leftist journal without connecting me to right-wing funding and this and that. Why don’t they just deal with the issues?”

“A key to the mentality of the left is that it judges itself by its best intentions, and judges its opponents – America chief among them – by their worst deeds.”

“A just-released study conducted by my Center for the Study of Popular Culture, and based on primary voter registration lists, shows that among 32 elite colleges and universities including the entire Ivy League, registered faculty Democrats outnumbered Republicans 10-1. At schools like Brown, Wellesley and Wesleyan the figure exceeded 25-1.”


Why David Horowitz is an ENTP?

As an ENTP myself,  I have heard concepts from David that I have always used in debates and heard no where else (except occasionally from Dinesh D’Souza also entp/intp)….. And I have not heard from other types…EVER. here was a wonderful example the other night…

I was visiting my Mom and we were watching the Glen Beck show, Beck was on vacation and there were two guest hosts. What a treat! to see David on this (1) night a week that I may have a chance to see this show… David Horowitz was his typical self, explaining the mentality of the left the way no other person on earth knows better,  as an ENTP he understands because of the ability to get into the minds of the left without any “bad” feelings, “hate”, etc. It is a similar gift that Glenn Beck has which I have only seen “naturally” within ENTP’s. As Horowitz is concluding answering questions  he begins to tell the hosts how in reality “Conservatives” are the “Liberals” andLiberals are the Conservatives! both hosts eyes roll back in their heads! Really! the magic of Digital TV allowed me to review this…. My mother who has heard me repeat this so often, and so often that I have tried to explain this “concept” yelled out

Oh My God! He is saying what you are always Saying!  That is the first time I have heard that from someone other than you.  

This from a person who watches and listens to conservative radio and TV for  6+ hours per day….  Yes.  David must be an ENTP 80%  or possibly an INTP 20%.  (some INTP’s come across with the same concepts and patterns as ENTP’s, yet after deep and thorough Ti (internal thinking).  On Television, David’s quick debating skills and combative style tends to the ENTP personality.  with INTP’s debate tactics being a bit less confrontational due to the ENTP’s well practiced 3rd function of Fe vs the INTP’s Fe that is less often used in the 4th position

Posted by on Jun 26 2012. Filed under eNtp - Inventor / Originator. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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