Particle Physics – Arch Angels and Godtype

There are 17 Particles in the Standard Model of Physics? 17 is the representative number for Yeshua / Jesus throughout Godtype’s research of Human cognition.  (Research Here) (Indepth info on 17 and its pyramidal #153 here) Let us study this further in light of the Bibles Teachings on (4) Arch Angels – *the 4 Bosons uncannily describe their duties below* (Initial Research Here), The (12) Apostles and their (1) Messiah. 17.   Amazing  correlations with cognitive science.  (Essay is in the works, Enjoy this interactive model as we study the world of particle physics, a world Godtype research postulates is the realm of the Arch Angels and Digital Time.


Interactive model.  Click on particle to see data at right.

Michael.  ENTJ(Field Marshall) +SJ’s. (Guardian Father Types) A Warior. An Angel of Light.  His Name meaning “who is like the Father” represented by the Photon and the”Y” symbol. “”the photon is the only elementary particle visible to the human eye”” representative of a being of Light…….. “Y”HWH.

Gabriel.  ENTP (Inventor) +NF’s (Idealist Son Types) Michael’s “Son” type.  The Messenger + All his Idealist Prophets. Represented by a “G”. Responsible for All Communication between the elements. “”The Gluon Mediates the strong nuclear force””

Raphael. INTP (Architect) +SP’s (Crafters).  The Live in the moment carefree and most Neutral of human temperaments.  The Apocrypha tells us Raphael is responsible for healing and rebuilding the land after its cycles of destruction. “”Z Boson, The NEUTRAL cousin of the W boson and a heavy relative of the photon. Together, these particles explain the electroweak force.””

Uriel. INTJ (Mastermind) + (3 virtual NT’s -Y-Michael, G-Gabriel, W-Raphael) The Angel who replaced Lucifer.  The most beautiful and important Arch Angels of All….. The Light Bearers?  “”The “W” Boson,  without it, the Sun would not shine!””

The Arch Angels Raphael and Uriel. The Virtual Copy relationship. Father/Son. INTJ+INTP

The Arch Angels Raphael and Uriel. The Virtual Copy relationship. Father/Son. INTJ+INTP

Arch Angels Micheal and Gabrie. The Father/Son Virtual Copy Relationship. ENTJ+ENTP

Arch Angels Micheal and Gabriel. The Father/Son Virtual Copy Relationship. ENTJ+ENTP

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