
TMNT Raphael – An Idealist NF Personality who Looks to The FUTURE

Posted by on Jan 24 2015. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

2 Comments for “tmntx-raphael-nf”

  1. I’d be interested in any rearsech that shows when and how personality type changes over time. When he was in college and just afterwards, my husband looked like an ENFS .not particularly hard working or driven and certainly not up for long hours. I didn’t expect him to be a huge breadwinner, but he seemed to shift after taking on the responsibilities of marriage and fatherhood. Today he tests as an ENFJ. He’s 36, advancing in his field, works long hours, and makes over 6 figures. In college I tested as ISTJ and now test as INFJ 5 years ago I was given a long maternity leave and realized how much I enjoyed my baby and having time to peruse whatever I wanted, so I went back to work part-time instead of full-time. Haven’t looked back.

    • very interesting observations. I have always believed we are hardwired with one type at birth/coming of age. you have gotten me to question my understanding! And that is a good thing….. yet I believe our worklife can greatly influence our patterns of thinking for a season. I do think we ultimately fall back to our God Given temperament. Also, Time will turn most perceptive folks Judgemental as they make more and more life decisions, yet confront a perceptive with a new problem and they will take lots of “time” to make a decision…. A true J will always choose quickly….

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